Going back to school or starting at “big school” is a synonym of rushing, stress and worry for many parents first thing in the morning. Keeping everything under control is no easy task and it often leads to forgetting things as important as daily lunches.
Today we would like to propose some ideas for healthy lunches with an original touch, bringing together all nutritive needs so that your little ones can take on the day with energy and acquire a taste for healthy food from a very early age.
Our first proposal consists of a sandwich made with wholemeal bread, cold turkey and cheese, which covers part of children’s daily needs for carbohydrates and proteins. Include pineapple juice or their favourite fruit so that they have a good dose of vitamins with no added sugars.
Tip: add a little bit of extra-virgin olive oil to include some oleic acid. This will reinforce their cognitive development! -
Cereals are an excellent source of carbohydrates and essential sugars, perfect for children’s cognitive functions. Nowadays there are plenty of ready prepared cereal bars, which on many occasions are the quickest and most comfortable option. However, you can put their favourite cereals in a yoghourt with some fruit, making it tastier and more attractive.
*Tip: put a tupperware with sliced fruit and cereals in their school bag. All they have to do is mix it with the yoghourt. Quick and easy! -
Have you thought of including vegetables or pulses in their lunch? A good option is to prepare vegetables cut into wedges (cucumber, carrots or celery) with hummus or chickpea purée. They will love dipping them in!
*Tip: prepare the hummus or chickpea purée at home to make it healthier; you can often keep it in the fridge for up to a week.
As you know, each school has its own rules when it comes to lunches for children: some of them let you do what you want while others are more restrictive. One way or another we are sure to adapt to each case as healthily as possible. Be daring and innovate!