In summer our little ones enjoy the longest holidays of the year.Today we would like to propose some open-air games to enjoy with family and friends in the summer. Don’t miss a stitch!
I spy
I spy is one of the most popular games for journeys by car. You have to say the sentence “I spy with my little eye” and think of something that you can see on the trip. The one who says this has to answer questions from the others, who try to guess what he or she is thinking of. The first question should always be “What letter does it begin with?”Your children will become real detectives!
Treasure hunt
They will love pretending to be pirates or the character they choose for a day on a treasure hunt. Somebody hides something in the sand while the others close their eyes – then they have to find it. The one who hid the treasure can help by saying “cold”if they move away from the place, “warm” if they get near and“hot”if they are right where the object is hidden.
Water battle
Water balloons is one of the most enjoyable things you can play at in the summer. You have to fill balloons with water and pass them round, trying to stop them from falling on the ground. You’ll cool down right away!
Relay games
Relay games promote companionship and teamwork. We need to have two or more teams – each team needs a plastic bottle, a bucket of water and another empty bucket. At the same distance from the empty bucket, each team has to fill the bottle from the bucket of water and take it to the one that’s empty. Each team member should do this, taking turns with the bottle, until the empty bucket is full. The team that fills the bucket first wins.
Sand games
Sand castles are one of the most popular pastimes for children on the beach. Using moulds with damp sand is fascinating for children, as they enjoy filling them up with sand and building their own castles.
Where is?
The travelling magazine teaches our little ones new words about nature and their environment. You have to flick through a magazine or brochure and look out of the window to find things like those in the photograph. Each one puts a mark on the object he finds and the one with most marks after 15 minutes, or however long you want, wins. Guaranteed fun and learning!
It’s a great idea to play with your children in the open air. They also need to learn how to enjoy themselves with their family and friends, away from electronic devices. Enjoy the holidays and good weather with your family! We’ll be waiting for you in the comments.