Discover what things are essential in the layette for going to hospital. Do not leave anything at home and enjoy peacefully the days that you will spend in the hospital with your little one.
Choosing the right school for your child is not a simple task, but very important for the development of the child in his new stage of growth. Take note of the key points to keep in mind when choosing the best center for your child.
Travelling with my baby. What should I pack?
Going on a trip with a baby always generates uncertainty. That if it will too young to travel, if the destination will be suitable for him, if we will have everything necessary in our destiny, but above all we are flooded the doubts about what we have to put in the suitcase without taking us the house on his back. Take note of our advice and travel with ease.
What we can do with children at Easter
The Easter holidays are a perfect time for enjoying a weekend away or a day out with the family. If you haven’t made any plans yet about what to do with the children here are some ideas to help you weave the perfect plan. These are our proposals, stitch by stitch. Keep on reading! 1. […]
Five ceremonial looks for children
Spring is the time of year when most ceremonies are held. The days are getting longer, it’s not so cold and everything is bathed in a special colour and light.
If you are invited to a wedding or a first communion over the next few months, or if your children are being christened, we would like to suggest five different ceremonial looks in the blog so that they shine out at any important event or happening. Don’t miss a stitch!