Now that summer is here, no doubt one of the most enjoyable moments is taking your children to the beach or the swimming pool.
But after the initial emotion, we start having doubts – are they protected against the sun? Will the chlorine hurt them? And what about sea salt?
Tips for enjoting the water with no unexpected surprises:
- We would recommend enjoying the beach or swimming pool early in the morning or in the evening – especially for babies under one year old, as they should not be in direct sunlight. Try to get your little ones used to sun cream with a high protection factor at all ages. Another good way of protecting them is using loose-fitting cotton t-shirts with sleeves and long trousers. Sunrays get through wet clothes more easily, so you should take spare clothes with you. Don’t forget to take a sunhat to avoid sunburn, and use it even when children are in the shade.
- Take the water temperatureinto account. If it’s cold then we recommend just a short time paddling – but if it’s warm, obviously they can stay in for longer.
Getting your children used to going into the sea gradually is a good prevention task. We should avoid brusque changes in temperature, especially just after eating, just after being in the sun or just after intense exercise.
- It is important to teach children how to swim as young as possibleand to constantly watch over them when they are in or near the water. Even when they know how to swim we should always actively be on the lookout. Floaters can help, but by themselves they cannot guarantee protection.
- If they love divingthen it’s a good idea to prevent inflammation of the ear by only diving for a short time and drying their ears every time they come out of the water. In this case the best bet is prevention, so we should take goggles with us to stop chlorine or sea salt from getting into their eyes.
- To avoid wounds andfungal growth or verrucae, it’s important not to walk barefoot in areas where there could be rubbish, broken shells or other sharp objects – and to use the right kind of shoe.
- We shouldn’t forget cream for insect bites. In case of emergency, go to the nearest first aid point.
Finally, we would recommend taking a light blanket in your luggage for when your child has a nap, as the weather can change from one minute to the next.
Do you already put all of this into practice? Get rid of your doubts and enjoy your little ones in the open air – it’s a really positive experience for the whole family.