The good weather is here and we all feel more and more like travelling and enjoying some free time, but where can we go with children? Preparing holidays with young children is no more complicated than organizing a trip for adults. It’s just an experiencewhere we have to go at a different rhythm, with a different mentality and a different planning.
It’s a good idea to think and plan in advance what you are going to do so that there is time for everything. Travelling with children doesn’t mean that we can’t see and discover a city and enjoy the culture on offer. If we choose in advance our little ones will enjoy the visits just as much as adults or even more so, as nowadays there are endless activities organized just for them.
Children have routines for sleeping times, bath times and meal times, and we should respect this. If you adapt to their timetable, everything will go like clockwork! If they are aged three or more you can include them in the preparations so they start to enjoy themselves before even leaving. Arousing their curiosity by showing them photographs of the place or telling them stories will define the vision they have of their holidays.
Their age, the distance and the weather are very influential factors when it comes to choosing one destination or another. Just as on any trip, you should get well informed before deciding.
The beach
The preferred destination for many families. You can enjoy the beach at any age, although it is not recommended to take babies who have not yet had their first birthday, and if you do, don’t go at midday and protect them against the sun. Spain has more blue flag beaches than any other country in Europe.
The countryside or the mountains
Ideal destinations for enjoying nature. It’s the biggest playing field you can give a child because apart from its size, they will enjoy pure air and it’s not usually crowded. If the idea is to go hiking, choose short routes without too many ups and downs, and take sudden changes in the weather into account.
The city
Visiting a city with children is another recommendable option. The best bet is to choose small cities with plenty of pedestrian streets. Fun fairs, zoos, camps, theatres, museums … there is a great variety for both children and adults.
We should take our children’s tastes and preferences into account without imposing our own restrictions and go over the options with them before planning any kind of activity. If we are going to spend time with friends or enjoy long meals with them, we should include our children too. If we haven’t planned anything for them they will get bored and you won’t be able to relax. Enjoy yourself with the whole family!