It’s time to go out and explore the world together with our babies. The coming of the spring opens up the doors to new plans to stimulate babies’ senses from home to the open air. Coming into contact with nature will help fire their imagination and at the same time enjoy the first sunrays of the season.
Are you looking for ideas? Take a look at this article, where we propose 3 creative activities to enjoy with your baby in open spaces.
- Playing with bubbles
The park is an excellent place for hypnotizing your baby with this fun game. The circular shapes and movements of the bubbles completely take up their attention, especially when they see how they burst in the air a few seconds later. All you need is a bubble wand and a soapy solution, or if you prefer, you can prepare it yourself with no glycerine by using this recipe.
- Pointing out and naming things
As babies grow, they become more capable of associating figures to a certain context. To stimulate them even more, go to places where little by little you can show them new words; for example, the zoo or a nearby park with a pond or little streams.
- Playing at ‘Where is it?’
Objects in nature are great allies for keeping your baby busy when you go out to the park or other green areas. For this activity, first of all take a short walk with the pram or pushchair and pick up little things like flowers, dandelions, dry leaves and smooth stones. Don’t get anything that could have thorns or could be dangerous to the touch.
Then find some shade and a comfortable place. Put your baby’s hands over his eyes, then hide and cover the objects with a handkerchief somewhere around you. Uncover his eyes and ask him Where is …? while you point to various places. When he discovers the treasure, he won’t be able to stop laughing in amazement.
With these simple games you can stimulate his curiosity and activate his mind in a fun way. There are just as many benefits in spending some time in the open air with your baby as there are good moments you will have together.
Now we would like to listen to you – what are your favourite open air games to play with your baby? We’ll be waiting for you in the comments 🙂