The cold is here and it’s here to stay. And with it come what everyone is afraid of – colds. Do you want to stop your child from catching one this winter? Well then keep reading! We have included some advice and tips to stop children catching colds, and recommendations to prevent them from being infected, and what to do if they have already caught one.
Prevention, the key to stopping children catching colds
As you know, the common cold is one of the most frequent illnesses of our times, and children often catch various colds in the same year. Under-fives often catch 6 or 8 colds a year. Faced with this scenario, we have to admit that it is just not possible to avoid them altogether, although we can prevent them by following certain patterns:
- Drink a lot of water: or depending on how old your child is, natural fruit juices.
- Keep the house and shared objects clean: it is essential to ventilate closed spaces, and to keep the atmosphere from getting too dry. A humidifier is essential at this time of year.
- Avoid the concentration of virus: children should spend time outdoors.
- Take care of your personal hygiene: above all it’s important to wash your hands frequently.
- Take care of the temperature: avoid sudden changes and make sure their feet are always nice and warm.
- Food is a key to increasing their bodily defences: don’t forget to give them food with vitamin C at this time of year.
How to stop children from getting infected
To avoid infection, both in your own child and in others, the best thing is to avoid contact with the virus. So it’s essential that if your child is ill, he shouldn’t go to school. We should also teach them how important it is to wash their hands and face before coming into contact with others, to throw tissues away after using them and to cover their mouth when sneezing.
How to avoid common cold symptoms in children
Colds go away by themselves. Although if you want to feel better you have to rest well and drink lots of water. Nose washes can also help you feel better. It’s true that at times your children will have to take medicine, but this should only be with a doctor’s prescription. Of course, another thing you can do to make your baby or child feel better is to give them lots of love, because when they are ill is when they need us most. A hug is sometimes the best thing to increase our defences 🙂
And what about you? What tricks do you have to stop your children catching colds?