When the cold weather comes, it seems to be no easy task to keep your children entertained without going out. We would like to propose some games so that your little ones can enjoy their free time and learn to play at home during the cold and rainy months. Don’t forget that playing is essential, a fundamental part of a child’s growth and development. So don’t miss a stitch!
Puppet theatre
For this game you will need hand puppets – different kinds depending on the story. A good option, if the children’s age so permits, is to make puppets at home with paper and cardboard.
If you already have the puppets, all you need is a stage to hide behind. One by one you all take part from behind the stage, telling the story you have chosen. They will love to listen and tell their favourite story in a different way!
Fashion parade
Bonnets, scarves, coats, glasses … put some of all the family’s clothes in a trunk or box, together with loads of accessories. Get your camera or video-camera ready and you’ll have a fun souvenir!
Don’t let it touch the floor!
Give each child and parent a balloon (all different colours). The game consists of throwing the balloon up in the air and keeping it up by tapping it, so that it doesn’t touch the floor. Whoever lets the balloon fall on the floor loses!
Jigsaw puzzles
You can make your own personalized jigsaw puzzle with a drawing or a photograph. You should draw lines on it making squares or rectangles, and then cut it up. Mix all the pieces up and then try to put it back together again. In this game children have to think and develop strategies about how to position the pieces, which helps them solve problems and improve their reasoning skills.
What do you think? We hope that these three ideas for playing with children help you enjoy the long winter evenings with your family. No doubt your little ones already have a favourite game for playing at home … enjoy it with them!