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Access to and use of Creaciones PAZ Rodríguez S.L. website imply full acceptance of the following general terms and conditions:

  1. All rights, including patent and intellectual property rights, and the content of this website are held in absolute ownership by Creaciones PAZ Rodríguez S.L. Copying and distribution by any means are strictly forbidden without prior explicit authorization from the owner. Under no circumstances access to this website shall imply any cession or renunciation of such copyright.
  2. Third-party websites may be accessible from this website. Creaciones PAZ Rodríguez S.L. does not accept any liability for their contents and gives no guarantees as to the accuracy of the information they display, nor the observance of the law by Third Parties.
  3. The users commit themselves to use Creaciones PAZ Rodríguez S.L. website’s information and services in observance of the Law, of these general terms and conditions and morality, of reasonable conduct, and public order.
  4. Creaciones PAZ Rodríguez S.L. accepts no liability for the damage on the users’ software or hardware caused by the access to this website or the use of the information and applications it includes.
  5. Creaciones PAZ Rodríguez S.L. reserves the right to temporarily interrupt access to its web page and to modify its contents, location and access conditions, without previous notice.
  6. Creaciones PAZ Rodríguez S.L. guarantees the confidentiality of its website users’ personal data. A database managed under Creaciones PAZ Rodríguez S.L.’s responsibility was created for the management and administration of our services, for the distribution of information on our products, and for the possible transfer of data. All data will be exclusively used to distribute information and commercialize the products requested by the user. Users can at any time access, update, delete, or contest their profile through the following address Creaciones PAZ Rodríguez S.L. Apartado de Correos 3002 Vigo (Spain) or through the e-mail address (Law 15/1999 13 December).