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Politica de privacidadPolítica de privacidad

By means of this disclaimer, Creaciones Paz Rodríguez SL (hereinafter PAZ Rodríguez), with registered offices at PTL Beade Calle C Nave B4 36315 Vigo - Pontevedra (Spain) and e-mail address (hereinafter PAZ Rodríguez) hereby informs users of the different Internet portals it owns (hereinafter the "users" and the "portal") of its personal data protection policy (hereinafter "personal data") so that said users may freely and voluntarily decide whether or not they wish to provide PAZ Rodríguez with the personal data that might be requested or which might be obtained from users when they subscribe to or register for any of the services provided by PAZ Rodríguez on or through the portal. PAZ Rodríguez reserves the right to amend this policy in order to adapt it to changes in legislation or jurisprudence and to industry practices. In such cases, PAZ Rodríguez will announce the changes made on this page with reasonable notice before they are put into practice.